Continuing Creation Cosmology
An Alternative to the Big Bang

What if the creation of the universe was an ongoing process, rather than a singular event at the start of time?  This possibility has not been investigated; all effort has been spent on the Big Bang Theory.  If you find yourself thinking "What if?", then this is the site for you. I asked that very question 60 years ago.  In time I found the tools to answer that question.  Many fundamental questions had to be addressed: how might conservation of energy be expressed?  How would the rate of creation vary in time? More importantly perhaps, how might the revelation of a continuing creation of the universe affect our outlook on the meaning of life, the universe, on God?   Exploring these questions with the community is the goal of this website.  Here, we open the door to a cosmology based on the the assumption of an intrinsic creativity built into the very nature of the universe.

Below, we provide brief synopses of various aspects of this cosmology intended to give a sense of the theory that may make the transition to reading the full treatise easier to handle.  The treatise itself presents its metaphysical beginnings,  its theoretical development and its observational repercussions for our understanding of the universe.


The following synopses of different, key aspects of the theory, are designed to provide an overview of the Continuing Creation cosmology.

Universe in a Nutshell

A history of the star formation rate over most of the history of the universe reveals three epochs, which may have lessons for modern times.

The Metaphysics

The foundation of the theory is based on postulates that identify the "asymptotic" natures of positive and negative energy forms which guide  its development.

Mach's Principle

A  foundational principle of our cosmology, implying a weak connection between space, and matter, through inertial reference frames.  

The Age Of 

The Universe

The universe is 23 billion years old, almost 10 billion years older than under the Big Bang, helping to  explain the new JWST observations that have puzzled cosmologists.

The Hubble


The continuing creation theory has an accelerating expansion that has only one "equation of state" for all time, as opposed to the big bang, with its several "phase changes".  

The Growth of Self-Gravitating Systems

In CC Universe, the masses and density profiles of systems grow in a self-similar way, allowing us to reverse-evolve today's massive systems  to compare with those observed by JWST.

Dissertation Papers

2002a: The search for intergalactic hydrogen clouds in voids (Part 1):  Confirmed that the ongoing creation of matter throughout the universe was, at the least, very likely, and that clouds clustered near void centers.

2003a: Modeling the void HI column density spectrum (Part 2)Demonstrated that dark matter-held discrete sub-galactic clouds were the absorbers found in voids.

2003b: The nature and origin of the non-void Ly-alpha cloud population (Part 3)Demonstrated that the outflow of these clouds through the "caustic" at void edge could explain the nature of non-void clouds.

Other Papers

1999: Globular cluster formation scenario:  The formation of globular star clusters by the accretion of dark matter-held subgalactic clouds to gas-rich protogalaxies would explain the formation and nature of Galactic globular clusters.

2000: A serendipitous search for high redshift Ly-alpha in emission:  A study of compact, high equivalent width galaxies, concluding that they are primordial, hence, the earliest form of field galaxies.

2002b: Birkhoff's principle and the nature and origin of non-void HI cloud population:  Birkhoff's principle is used to estimate the outfall velocity of sub-galactic clouds from voids, finding a relation between outfall velocity and void mater density, estimating a density ~0.8 of the critical.

2005: Challenging the fluctuating Gunn-Peterson approximation:  We show that simulations based on the FGPA are inconsistent with our analysis of the distributions of low-redshift clouds in voids (Part 1 of dissertation), showing that the closed-box simulations of big bang were incorrect.

2018a: The redshift of field galaxy formation:  We argue that field galaxies, such as our own, were actually formed at a redshift of approximately z=3, rather than z~13, as argued by the big bang.

2018b: Dark energy:  Fact or fiction?:  Argues that dark energy has no basis in physics, and is a violation of the postulates of the continuing creation theory which argue that positive energy forms are particulate, not diffusive, as dark energy is argued to be.   We argue that dark energy is the ongoing creation of matter in the universe.

About this aspect of Curtis Manning's life

Dr. Curtis Manning

Curtis Manning earned a BA in Philosophy in 1969, and his Ph.D in Astrophysics in 2002, both from UC Berkeley. His 3-part dissertation provided strong evidence for the ongoing creation of matter and was published in the Astrophysical Journal.   His subsequent effort was dedicated toward building the theory that would explain it.